So Disappointed. I have spent hours today making and timing this video for all of you. Then it took You Tube hours more to upload it only to disable the audeo after all of that. They have become very particualr about what can be used as audeo on their sight whether or not you have purchased a copy of the track and upload it from your computer you still can not use it on You Tube for the most part. If it works and I did it right you might hear a violin and orchestra in the background. Hit mute if it isn't our style of music.
If you don't load the You Tube on fullscreen and just watch on Blogger right here as it is loaded , I think you will hear the original songs.
If not then My suggesiton is hummmmm to ourself
Morning Has Broken all 3 verses, followed by
I'm Sitting on Top of the World and end with
High Hopes LOL. You will have music to accompany todays video.
This will be the last time I do video on You Tube with Audeo attached much too time consuming and although I love the music well ...thanks for listening.
Here is the video