I am so grateful to have met this photographer at Ruffles eagle releaselast August and now to have him as a friend and mentor at the Camera Club I have joined. He was sharing some of these photos at club last week and I requested this one to share with all of you. I thought it very unique and it makes me smile.
Can any of you think of a caption for this one. I would love to share your thoughts with him. How neat. Talk about a kodak moment
Hey bro, is that a snack?
Do you KNOW who we are???
This is a great photo...what fun to capture this moment!
Do you see what I see - a tasty morsel in a tree?
Friends Of A Different Type
You need a Mommy? Our Mommy is great!
Do You Need Adopted?
Glo this is such a great photo he snapped. Thank you for sharing.
Dropped In The Wrong Nest
Wrong Nest But We Can Chat
Is Your Babies Above I Hear Them?
Hello There
I'm So Hungry I'm Seeing Things
Hey, scram - or you'll be lunch!!
"What's It To Ya'?"
Oh, this could engender lots of fun comments... this is lovely up-close and personal view. Thank you for sharing what was shared with you ! xo
"EEK! Is that a mouse?"
Great picture! Thanks for sharing, Glo.
"EEK! Is that a mouse?"
Great photo! Thanks for sharing, Glo.
NatureNut Loretta is trying to post, so I am going to send along her comment because she had a time getting it over here:
"EEK! Is that a mouse?"
You have to change your diet...
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