when you get to the Flickr page just click on show slideshow to enjoy.
Even more exciting fo rme right now thoughis an email I received the other day. I will give you a little hint.

I can hardly believe it. I had made a donation to the IWS Nest Adoption in Memory of Limuw A 63, . All who had joined in the nest Adoption Challenge were entered into a contest to win several different things. Anyway on week 2 of 3 weeks that the drawings are taking place, I received an email from Dr Sharpe. I had 4 items to choose from as my prize.
I have chosen the Pre Fostering Tour which happens sometime between Mid March and Mid April..once there are eggs incubating and before the hatched eaglets are placed into the nests by Dr Sharpe. I am able to bring 2 other people with me, and have chosen 2 more of my eagleholic friends to come along.
I can hardly wait now to see those eggs being laid and begin to get tickets for travel and lodging reservations into place. Someone pinch me!!!! No don't...But do know that this For the love of Eagles Blog is gonna have some really neat pictures and info from IWS this year and hopefully reports from the two friends also coming along on the trip.

And then of course there is the logistics of how to get from the mainland to the island. I have heard we have 3 choices. Helicopter, Seaplane or Boat. Our thought was to take the boat, then I saw this picture and write up from one of last years tours.

and for any new folk who are not really familiar with some of Dr Sharpe's work : a couple of links to some of last years work.
1. Dr Sharpe heading up to West End Nest to retreive eggs he will place in an incubator, and replace them with wooden eggs upon which the eagles will sit.
2. Listen to the pipping
3. Baby Don King
4. Dr Sharpe returning to the West End nest with 3 baby eaglets now who will be raised by those who once sat on wooden eggs.
The problem with the eggs was caused from DDT which caused the eggs to break before a healthy chick could hatch out. Success on the island is happening now though and some of the nests have had the opportunity to not have their eggs removed and have successfully hatched and fledged their young.
Congrats on the great prize. Will look forward to some truly amazing eagle pics next Spring!
Thanks Dixiebird. Yep I am just a "little" excited. Kind of adds a whole lot different perspective to New Eagle Season :)
OH MY GAWD!!!! YOU LUCKY LUCKY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO ONE DESERVES THIS MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!d.j
LOL Thanks Gabby....It certainly was quite a day. I usstared the email address before I even opened it ...it was like oh oh oh I can hardly believe what I see.
You Go, Glo! Congratulations!
This is going to be a once in a lifetime adventure for you! Memories galore! Pictures galore! and then some!
Who wouldn't want to see an email from Dr. Sharpe!!! AND complete with an ivitation!!!!
Congratulations dear GLO!!!! What a treat you are in for!!
How wonderful, a once in a lifetime excursion, how lucky :)
How would you get there, that boat story spooked me.
Can't wait for pics :)
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