Well was it a wish or a prayer? Maybe it is just a dream but it sure was lots of fun dreaming.
Merry Christmas Eagle Lovers.
The site is quieter now. I enjoy photography and spend much time out with my camera, many times with the eagles who migrate to my area. I have changed the way that comments work now as a result of multiple spam this past month. I wish all of you who stop by a continued love for this beautiful creature.
Well Glo, you don't have visions of sugarplums dancing in your head girl! You have eagle halucinations!
I think you are dreaming of eagle in your stockings. lol HOpe you get everything you ever dreamed of.
Merry Christmas!!!!
So many eagles I cannot count them all! Loved the card!
Merry Christmas & may all your wishes and dreams come true!
Dear Glo, So now I know why I don't see any eagles in their nests. They all went to your house. Of course I don't blame them, they owe you at least one visit a year to thank you for all the things you do for them all the rest of the year. And so do we. Thanks, Glo
Don't know what happened to my earlier post, but just have to tell you how much I enjoyed this photo. You sure had visions of eagles dancing in your head Glo! And what's more, you were able to show them to us!! Very clever and creative!!! Loved it!
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