The site is quieter now. I enjoy photography and spend much time out with my camera, many times with the eagles who migrate to my area. I have changed the way that comments work now as a result of multiple spam this past month. I wish all of you who stop by a continued love for this beautiful creature.
OK I am very curious who will respond and what you will have to say. I am not gonna identify this picture for you in any way, but I will tell you this person is dangling from a helicoptor and has an eagle chick in that basket he holds.
I want you to caption the picture and I think for fun once the Caption this is over I will send your responses off to this person. I think it might be something special and give him a smile on his face and a chuckle in his heart.
I will give you a watched him climb many a rock this past year if you followed this BLOG....but in this event he had to use a helicoptor. Also this picture was taken in 2006, but I just saw it today and had to share it with you.
As we close this eagle Season and enjoy the memories of the Pairs in their nests and their families, there are also many new friendships that have been formed and several that continue to grow from Season to Season. Becuase of the multitiude of ways we eagle Folks have created to stay in touch, there are many choices to choose from as a way to stay connected during the remaining summer and fall. This BLOG provides you links to 2 of those which I sponsor and I sincerely hope you will take time to View and even join the forum You will see it linked on the left hand side near the top. Subjects are quite varied, with something to interest everyone I believe.
And of course the Eagle Chat roomalso remains active especially in the evenings. We have watched together some of the eggs actually being laid. We have watched The California Cams as Dr Sharpe did his miraculous work with the Fostering and we have watched bandings take place. What fun to be able to share instantly the reactions of awww and amazement, as well as occasional gasps and concerns in live chat as these events unfolded. I once again invite you to stop in and get to know some of us better on a more conversational level.
There are More Memory films and videos in the making so watch your FeedBlitz....these films will pretty much end the eagle season for this year, but an occasional Blitz might go out if something directly related and important to the Awesome Bird should come across in the news or online etc...I will of course share the information with you.
And whether or not you are the Forum or chatroom type of Eagle Lover, I hope you have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy and share The Love of Eagles with those who shared the journey this year. I look forward to next season and sharing once again the Highlights of the nests online with each of you. Thank You for stopping by to visit this BLOG.....I have so enjoyed and hope to keep your company for many a Season.
Godspeed to each and every eagle family represented here over the past several months.
Perhaps I will also try to come up with some kind of memory item for this For the Love of Eagles BLOG for the past season in the form of a mug, tshirt or calendar. If you would be interested in such an item would you please let me know in the comment section what kind of item you might like OR send an email to me giving me that info..... I would like to include something that has representation from a number of the nests, with good camera resolution so we get a good picture to enjoy on what is made. There will be no profit here, as there will be no mark up. Thus this is not a fundraiser of any sort for anyone...just a way to share a memory if I get the interest.
The First Eagle Season 2007 Video filmstrip is ready to go. I hope you enjoy!!!
Because of the quality of BOTH the camera and the photographer at Norfolk, This video will be even more enjoyable to watch if you double click and go to You Tube to watch it. Choose the Fullscreen option when you get there.
You will have to mute or close the Blog screen though or you will hear two audeo feeds.
All the eaglets we have been watching have now fledged. Anyone with pictures of Kent, Puget or Libby with very close to fledging or branching times, Please send me a picture :) I would love to include their special moments in this For the Love of Eagles BLOG!!!
Also this one is harder but doable.
Please choose up to 3 of your favorite pictures from this Eagle Season and send those to me for a compilation loop from those who watched. Please choose and only send 3...Do not send me 20 and ask me to choose your favorite 3 LOL.
I am curious to see what we will get and to enjoy it with others. Must be related to this eagle Season and one of the nests we have followed here on the BLOG.
Thanks so very much.
Still have my company for a day or so more, then next week will work on a couple of nice Feeds for us.
On June 24, I was phoned by a group of "eagle people" visiting Hornby Island wondering if they could meet me. "Where are you?" I asked. They were just outside the gate. I stepped out the house and there they were. They came from England, California, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Ontario and parts of BC and call themselves "EAGLES R US". It was a real fun meeting and the eaglet in the nest put on a show for them - sitting up on the edge of the nest and extending its wings to a full six feet. I'm always surprised at the speed of their growth.
The eaglet has been fed almost exclusively on Midshipmen, nine inch tidal pool fish which are amazingly common along our beaches.Twice the eagles have hooked herring from the sea and a few days ago one of our eagles caught a large fish near the shore. It struggled for five minutes just to keep hold of the fish, but finally swam it to shore. It was a two foot dog fish - a shark-like fish and a powerful swimmer.
Today the eaglet was vigorously flapping its wings and jumping a few inches into the air, thoroughly enjoying the exercise. It is now 66 days since hatching and should begin flying at 85 days - in just another 19 days. That gives it another two weeks to strengthen its wings and gain experience jumping around the nest and branches.
I was hoping a belated brother or sister would make an appearance, but am now resigned to having a single eaglet only. Nonetheless, much better than in the previous two years.