Below is this Sundays Caption This...the kent kids...Albert and Einstein

The site is quieter now. I enjoy photography and spend much time out with my camera, many times with the eagles who migrate to my area. I have changed the way that comments work now as a result of multiple spam this past month. I wish all of you who stop by a continued love for this beautiful creature.
Head to head and toe to toe, then we get to dosey doe!!!
If we are sharing this meal it goes like this: First you get a bite, then I get a bite, then you, then me - understand? No fair double dipping!!!!!
If we keep sitting like this they will think we are cooking up some mischief!!!
LOL Thanks Iris...great captions for the head to head one...found a photo I like better and actually I think maybe your last caption convinced one of them to get up and do something besides form a conspiracy with the sib :)
So have at it...got another picture to caption now ((((hugs)))
No time to do the "math" Albert, just hope dad calculated this landing!!
It's not rocket science Einstein, its supper being delivered!
You call that catching some air - get out of the way Bro and I'll show you some air!!!!!
There you go again, showing off for that little tart in the next nest. I tell you it's gonna get you in trouble!
Watch out!!!! This nest is too small for unauthorized landings by inexperienced eaglets!
Hey Mom!! Did ya feed me Mexican Jumpin Beans for breakfast?
LQQK in the sky!!!! Is it a plane?? Nooooo its Super Birdd!!!!
MOM!!!---Make him move!!!---He's blocking the SUN & I will never get a TAN!!!
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