I wanted to share with you the Fledge of Skye, captured by one of our own faithful members to both the BLOG and the forum, Joyce.
Beautiful job RJ on a Beautiful flight for this Beautiful Young eagle.
The site is quieter now. I enjoy photography and spend much time out with my camera, many times with the eagles who migrate to my area. I have changed the way that comments work now as a result of multiple spam this past month. I wish all of you who stop by a continued love for this beautiful creature.
That photo of Limuw is absolutely marvelous!!!
Thanks Glo for all of these California photos.
It indeed was a great day for us here on the West Coast!
I love the pics of the Channel Island fledglings, Glo.
And the first flight of Skye was really great...very strong, and it was very lucky to get him flying by the nest so many times.
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