Thursday, February 07, 2008

Feb 7 around the Eagle Cam Web

California nests.

See this Neat video out of West End. Word is that feed will also include audeo this year.

At Pelican Harbor K 10 finds himself in an altercation with a juvie. K 10 takes alot from Mom and from his kids...but he is definitely taking intruders at the nest very seriously these days. Take a look here


Cape Coral 1 Look how big these chicks are getting


Link to Relocation project shows how high up the nest tree and the cam is....why we get seasick when the wind blows LOL

Beautiful photos of Norfolk Eagles can be found here in Shellys Gallery

NCTC Lib and Belle have 2 eggs. Thanks to Sharon for this photo

1 comment:

IrisF said...

You sure know how to find all the good Eagle locations. These are all impressive views of the nests we watch and love. Thanks so much again!