Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An Inspiring story....Team Hoyt

I did see this over a year ago when they shared it on the Today show. It is just as inspiring to watch once again. Guess I wanted to share through the story of the Team Hoyt once again that no matter what is in your journey of life today..."Yes You Can"


Costume Lady said...

What a wonderful story...the father was not given a burden, he was given a purpose in life. I would love for the son to write a book telling of his experiences and feelings of his 44 years with his dad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. What an amazing story....and to watch the perfect love and joy in their faces....that has to be what God feels!

wvgal_dana said...

I have seen several times this great story. The Dad has given his life for his son. He works and then spends times with his other 2 boys and is still ready to share his time with this amazing son. It just goes to show. This Dad decided his son was not a "handicap" to him. Has provided all he can so his son can live on his own even. AWESOME LOVE