Saturday, March 31, 2007

March 31, Hornsby News, Music Video from Norfolk

Hornsby pair have 2 eggs; one laid March 24 and one laid March 28. Although you can not follow this couple on a cam this year, they do have lots and lots of fans worldwide. You can keep up on this pairs Nesting Season by clicking here to visit their forum


Mema Jo said...

Must admit that the VA nest is the most photographic! Thanks for the news and forum link for Hornsby.I hope they make it this year. I also hope we make it this year with one or two chicks!

normabyrd said...

GLO----I love watching the VIRGINIA LADY & her "Little Rebels"----(remembering the Civil War)---ho! ho!---That is such a beautiful nest---She never looks "ruffled either"---ho!---Thanks for the Hornsby news too--APPRECIATE ALL YOUR VIDEOS---THANKS GLO-----