Thursday, March 22, 2007

Morning Thoughts ,and Daytime video on March 22

Well as I start my day with the Eagle Cams and visit various nests around the www I am once again struck by the awesomeness, majesty , dedication through the storms and the sense of serenity and acceptance that Today is a Gift, and it has arrived in its various forms to all living things, and to each of the eagle cams many of us visit around the www..

Last night I watched and yearned for new life to appear at NCTC, and even this morning remain holding out hope that this special pair who initailly captured my heart will in fact have some young who did survive this awful winter season they have been nesting in.

I paused to remember that I chuckled last night as the Blackwaters found themselves being crowded out of their nest by their growing chicks.

The Kents seemed to spend much of the evening debating whether to spend the night in their nest or in the nearbye tree.

In Maine the winds are very strong and active again today, almost lifing the adult who is brooding there right up out of the nest area. The Dad of that pair continues to deal with an injured talon as well, yet they carry on and protect as best they can the young they hope to bring into a new eagle season.

I have made a quick visit to Saanich as it continues to incubate eggs for a new season without the abundance of fish just hanging around the nest for the next meal.

It was while reading the forum at Saanich that I came across this Beautiful clip made last night by annsva featuring Norfolk Botanical Gardens as they too settled in for a restful night in preparation of a new day.

Watching and listening reminded me of what the various eagle families we watch already know and live. That life is prescious and not to be taken for granted. Every minute is prescious and needs to be lived to its fullest and spent wisely. As the day draws to a close whatever it has brought it is time to rest with a sense of peace that all life must rest in the hands of One far greater than any of us or all of us put together. Each life is different, and those who walk or fly that road of life encounter different experiences along the way. The Eagle Cams have given us a view of life we would never as humans have seen any other way.

Which ever nest you are watching, whatever pair is your favorite and no matter what the day brings in your world or in the world of these eagle cams, it is my prayer for each pair we watch and each of us who gazes upon this unique opportunity to observe some of the most Majestic of Wildlife; that the close of today and everyday will bring to you and to them and their young a well deserved rest.

annsva I think I shall be revisiting this particular clip at the close of many a day now that I have found it. It is for this reason that I have chosen to enter it here so those who read this BLOG might also find that special peace in what you have created as you gaze into an eagle cam that is settling down for the night. Be sure to click and visit the following link. Thank you so very much for your work, I absolutely love this piece of work, an Eagle Lullaby

Daytime Video


Anonymous said...

I can't help but tell you how much your comments touched my heart today, Gloria. Your words were so elloquent. Knowing what we know about the eaglet situations at these nests and those whose situations are still unknown brought tears to my eyes, especially as I watched the eagle lullaby. God truly is at work here, showing off some of his finest creatures. Thank you for reminding us of that. KathiF

gabbygirl said...

This is the most informative Blog on the web. And i wish to thank you Glo, and everyone who has helped with the video loops. Your daily comments are spoken from your heart, and you have much compassion and your devotion to Eagles everywhere is awesome. Thank you!!!

d.j new york