Monday, March 05, 2007

March 5.....going on vacation see note below Filmloop

I will be going to AZ to vist my daughter and family for a week. I am hoping that some of you will choose to save a picture or two a day of your favorite nests and send them to me. I will once or twice during the week try very hard to get on and make a Filmloop and or video for you if at all possible. send your pictures to


Mema Jo said...

Hello Glo. Wanted to catch you before you left for your family trip. Bring back some photos of you know who for a film loop.

Maine does have their first egg!

The coverage of all the nest is
great! I enjoyed seeing them and not having to bring up their sites! It's all in a nutshell. Enjoy your vacation.

Mauley said...

I couldn't keep up without you, Glo. I appreciate you so much. I may not have ever told you, but I don't know what I would do if it were not for the Love of eagles. thanks again donna