Also for those of you struggle with any even minor guilt over the time you spend watching birdcams online here is a story that just might remind all of us that this could actually be time very well spent. One little osprey and his MaMa probably think so.
The story of a Baby Osprey and Bubble wrap
Thanks to MeMa Jo for forwarding this link to me
Say that again slowly, they are going to make us do what? Leave home? Are they out of their minds?
It's like I said - either we learn to find our own food, or Dr. Sharpe will be back to find out why we are so lazy! They sure didn't tell us all this back in the Lab.
One more smart remark, and you are going over the side...we'll see if you can fly!!
okay, now here's the plan. As soon as we can fly, we'll go over to that SC nest and see if there is any extra fish over there.
Didn't I tell you to stay on your side of the nest?
I'm telling you beak-to-beak little brother, I'm going to fly first and you're not! I'll be first just you wait and see!
I told you all that wing flappin and all that dust is making me cough!!!!!! cough cough hack hackkkcough!!!! Now settle down!!
You're not the boss of me!
If you tell mom I'll pull your wingbling!
Not a peep out of you and you just go to the other side and turn around!
Here's another plan, you play like you're hurt so Mom or Dad will come here and protect us from that Dr. Sharpe!
No No No are you crazy?????????? I am NOT jumping out of this nest first!!!
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