Heres the next one...thanks to all who share a thought for others to enjoy as you see this picture...

The site is quieter now. I enjoy photography and spend much time out with my camera, many times with the eagles who migrate to my area. I have changed the way that comments work now as a result of multiple spam this past month. I wish all of you who stop by a continued love for this beautiful creature.
You can forget about that Mr.!
You best go fishing they're going to wake up hungry real soon!
Oh no, not now!
It's about TIME, I have to use the bathroom!
That had better not be beakstick on your collar...
Your so beautiful. Do I have to go fish.
Say Honey how about soaring on over to Saanich and bringing home a couple of those "Floppin Fish" for the kids...I think they would just love that.
and while your over at saanich grab a beak full of hay!!
We'll discuss this "after" the kids are gone!
Spirit, you've got that look in your eye!
What's your excuse now for "no" fish?
Not tonight dear "I HAVE AHEADACHE" and YOUR NOT going out with the boys!!!
You have that wild look in your eyes sweetheart? Are you PMS'N again i promised i wiped my talons.....
You did WHAT on the landowner's new barbecue?
Guess what! I've booked a vacation for us at Big Bear Lake when the boys leave for University!!
You know, you could use a stylist your getting a little bushy headed!
I'm serious, don't look at me like that!
I tell you these kids are eating us out of house and home
Put on your big boy boxers and deal with it - we made them - now we gotta feed them!
I wonder if Lorraine is watching? Wish she'd bring us a nice fish, I'm tired today.
Looks like we have a few minutes before they wake up, Starr...whadaya say we make some whoopee!?
Don't think I didn't notice that the newspaper was turned to the PERSONAL ADS this morning...
OH STAR!----"You grow more BEAUTIFUL each day"!!----So don't look at me that WAY!!!
You just don't get it-Do You?
What part of "NO" didn't you understand?
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